Thursday 18 August 2011

EARLY REVIEW: The Mephisto Covenant (The Mephisto Covenant,#1) by Trinity Faegen

The Mephisto Covenant by Trinity Faegen

Publication Date: September 27th 2011
Publisher: EgmontUSA 
Hardcover, 400 pages

Order via Book Depository

Sasha is desperate to find out who murdered her father. When getting the answer means pledging her soul to Eryx, she unlocks a secret that puts her in grave danger—Sasha is Anabo, a daughter of Eve, and Eryx’s biggest threat.

A son of Hell, immortal, and bound to Earth forever, Jax looks for redemption in the Mephisto Covenant—God’s promise he will find peace in the love of an Anabo. After a thousand years, he’s finally found the girl he’s been searching for: Sasha.

With the threat of Eryx looming, Jax has to keep Sasha safe and win her over. But can he? Will Sasha love him and give up her mortal life?

Reading The Mephisto Covenant was a bit of a roller coaster for me!As soon as I spotted this title I was more than curious to read it and when NetGalley granted me with a copy I was beyond excited to start reading it.Soon after I started reading this book,I was certain I wouldn't like it as much as I hoped,to end up by the end liking it way more than I innitially thought!

The Mephisto Covenant is the story of Sasha,a girl who won't stop at nothing until she finds her father's murderer.And although the story begins from there,it soon unravells to so much more....One thing I really liked about this book,apart the writing style which flowed easily,was the world building.It was unlike anything I've read so far,so thumps up for the writer for creating it!I really liked reading all those things about the Mephisto,how they were created and everything that evolved around them.

Sasha was a nicely created character.Although at points she tired me a bit with her indecisions (although she had every right to be indecisive...),I liked that she was smart and strong and kind and I liked witnessing her transformation bit by bit.Jax,was a good character as well,but not the kind of character I will remember for long,but fun to read nonetheless!The IL part of the story made me a bit apprehensive,especially at the beggining,but thankfully,Trinity Faegen worked a bit that part throughout the whole book,and although both Sasha and,especially, Jax feel attracter to each other from the beggining you don't have to read about their undying love declarations nowhere in the story.

All in all,The Mephisto Covenant was a decent book,one that its cover isn't all that misleading and I will definitely read the sequel when it's available!

*This title was reviewed via NetGalley


  1. Nice review! I got this title on Netgalley as well. Looking forward to reading i t!

  2. My eye fell on the cover, I really like it. Not sure about the book itself though, even now you are so enthusiastic about it.

  3. Great review. She sounds very determined. I like that in a character. Glad to hear that there's no undying love declarations! Yeah, def. going to check this one out.

  4. Wow, I didn't know that this book revolved around angels! Sweeeet! :)

    I can't wait to read it even more!


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