Today I have the major honor of having Maria Snyder at my blog!I can't even begin to describe how excited and thankful I am to Maria for giving me the chance to have her here!Maria Snyder's Study series was among the first I ever read when I started exploring foreign literature.I remember I fell instantly in love with her characters and the wonderful world she created at her books!If there's anyone out there who hasn't yet picked up her books I strongly recommend that they do as soon as possible!You won't regret it!
- How did you decide to become an author?
A: Boredom! I was bored at my day job and had to look busy so I started writing down story ideas just for fun. I didn’t intend to become an author, but after writing a few short stories, I knew I enjoyed writing and kept writing in my spare time as a hobby.
- The decision to change your career was a hard one to make?
A: Not really. I’ve always been creative. I took dance lessons, I’ve acted in plays, I painted and played the cello. But I didn’t pursue these hobbies as a career because I didn’t feel I was good enough to find work! I was also good at math and science and loved learning about big storms, so I followed the science path. However, I still enjoyed the arts and changing my career wasn’t a conscious decision, but more of a natural progression.
- Becoming an author was a childhood dream?
A: No! My childhood dream was to be a famous actress, but that didn’t pan out. I didn’t really think about becoming a full time author until I sold my first book, POISON STUDY.
- What is the part you enjoy most while writing? What is the one you least enjoy?
A: I love it when my characters surprise me. When I write, I don’t plot out my stories or plan everything in advance. I discover the story and characters as I write the book and when my characters take over and surprise – that’s the best. What I don’t like are the days that the words just won’t come. I’ll sit at my computer for hours and get only 500 words and everything I write is horrible to me. Those days are hard.
- Is there a favorite time of day or place where you write?
A: I’m most creative at night – so I write from 10 pm to 3 or 4 am. I do most of my writing in my home office, but with my latest book, I’ve been writing on my laptop down in our recreation room. I think it’s because I’m away from all the piles and “to-do” notes all over my office that distract me. Downstairs I can just concentrate on the story.
- What is your favorite genre to read and could you share one of your favorite books?
A: It’s hard to say one genre is my favorite, but if you twist my arm…..ow!.... I enjoy fantasy and have been reading a ton of young adult fantasy books. Right now I’m enjoying the Iron Fey series by Julie Kagawa. But one of my all time favorite books is The Gate to Women’s Country by Sherri S. Tepper. That’s loaded with girl power and is a science fiction.
- Which place in the world are you dying to visit?
A: Australia & New Zealand! I have a ton of readers in Australia who have been asking me to visit. And I just found out, I’m going down there in August for a 3 week book tour in Australia and New Zealand. YAY!
- Fantasy is the main focus of your books. Do you find it easier to create a new world on your own or more challenging?
A: Creating a new world can be challenging because you have to invent a government, money system, magic system, draw a map, and name all the cities and geographical features. It’s also tons of fun – but I have to be careful when I write more books set in that world – I don’t want to make a mistake as my readers will email me and let me know!
-Have you any thoughts of ever returning to the Yelena Zaltana universe?
A: All the time! I’d like to write more books set in the Sitia/Ixia world and there are a number of characters that interest me like Reema, Teegan, Fisk, Heli and Quinn. I just needed a creative break and hope to return to the world in the future.
Many of my readers miss Yelena and Valek. I’m writing a short story about them for my free email newsletter subscribers only titled ICE STUDY. Your readers can sign up for the newsletter here: if interested. If they do sign up and want to read the first eight parts, they can email me when the signup process is complete and I'll forward the special link to them. My email is
- From all the lessons you took, especially while writing the Study and Glass series, were there some you really enjoyed taking? Did any of those activities become your hobbies?
A: I loved working with molten glass, but the place that has the kilns and equipment is an hour away, so I haven’t had time to pursue it. I liked the martial arts and fencing, but again I need time to pursue them. I’m hoping once my kids go to college, I’ll have more free time.
- Do you ever plan on writing an adult novel?
A: Actually, my Study and Glass books are adult novels. The first two Study books have been re-released as young adult books with new cover art. But I have so many teen readers who have enjoyed the books – I tell people I write for readers age 12 to 92 J I’ve actually have gotten emails from readers as young as 9 years old and as old as 92, which is just wonderful. My Inside/Outside books are marketed for YA readers.
- The sequel to your newest series, Outside In, has recently been released. Can you tell us something more about this series?
A: OUTSIDE IN begins about twelve weeks after the events in INSIDE OUT. The world is trying to recover from all the changes that has happened and not everyone is happy about the new state of affairs. Trouble starts soon after and Trella has to deal with a whole laundry list of problems: sabotage, the new Committee, and her mother. If that wasn't bad enough, there is something from Outside and it wants in! I do have the first chapter of the book up on my website, but I would strongly suggest you DO NOT read it unless you finished, INSIDE OUT. Here's the link:
-What are your plans after Outside In?
A: I'm currently working on another fantasy novel about a healer set in a world that is recovering from a deadly plague. Here’s the cover copy: Laying hands upon the injured and dying, Avry of Kazan assumes their wounds and diseases into herself. But rather than being honored for her skills, she is hunted. Healers like Avry are accused of spreading the plague that has decimated the Territories, leaving the survivors in a state of chaos.
Stressed and tired from hiding, Avry is abducted by a band of rogues who, shockingly, value her gift above the golden bounty offered for her capture. Their leader, an enigmatic captor-protector with powers of his own, is unequivocal in his demands: Avry must heal a plague-stricken prince—leader of a campaign against her people. As they traverse the daunting Nine Mountains, beset by mercenaries and magical dangers, Avry must decide who is worth healing and what is worth dying for. Because the price of peace may well be her life....
It’s due to be released January 2012.
- Do you have some advice to any aspiring authors out there?
A: I’ve a ton! Actually I have a website page filled with articles on writing and includes advice. Here’s the link:
My biggest advice to all writers is PERSISTENCE. I’d been writing for ten years and submitting for eight before I sold anything. Learn the craft of writing as well as the business of writing and attend writer’s conferences and classes if you can. Consider that time an apprenticeship. Be wary of predators, if someone is asking you for money proceed with the utmost caution. Get feedback on your stories from fellow writers before submitting. Joining a critique group is very helpful. I also find that if I let a story sit on my desk for a few weeks I can pick out all the problems, typos and inconsistencies easier. And I agree whole heartily with Stephen King’s advice in his book, On Writing. He wrote, “If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.” And don’t give up! Ever!
Thanks so much for inviting me on your blog.
If your readers would like more info about me and my books, I have the first chapter of all my books on my website as well as a number of free short stories they can read. Here's the link: http://www.mariavsnyder.comAnd my blog is:
Thank you so much Maria for the fun interview and for your time here!
Don't forget to visit Maria's blog and especially her site!There are tons of information there and other fun stuff!
Outside In Giveaway
And now,on to another fun aspect of this post!Maria is kindly offering a signed copy of her newest release Outside In to one lucky winner!
~The contest is open to US and Canada residents and it will be open until March 31st.
~Being a follower isn't required but it's always appreciated!
~The winner will be notified via email and will have 48 hours to respond or another winner will be picked.
Follow the link below to enter:
Outside In by Maria V. Snyder Giveaway
I've heard so many good things about this book! Thanks for the interview and giveaway.
ReplyDeleteI'm a new follower - hopped over from Book Blogs. :)
New follower and thanks for this lisapeters at yahoo dot com
ReplyDeleteSounds like another great book from this author!
ReplyDeleteannarudow at gmail dot com
Maria V Snyder is one of my favorite authors. I read the first one and have been looking forward to reading Outside In. I'm a new follower as well. :)
Awesome Interview ...I cant wait to start reading her books.
Great interview. I love Maria V. Snyder, and I can't wait to read this book!
ReplyDeletegreat interview, sounds like a good book.